Pronunciation of "brooch"

Anne Gilbert avgilbert at PRODIGY.NET
Sat Apr 22 17:06:41 UTC 2000

----- Original Message -----
From: Chuck Borsos <sqeezbox at CRUZIO.COM>
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2000 11:51 AM
Subject: Pronunciation of "brooch"

> I'm curious about the pronunciation of "brooch".  My wife is originally
> from Chicago and pronounces it to rhyme with "coach", I'm originally from
> Northeast Ohio and pronounce it to rhyme with "pooch".
> My handy Merriam-Webster Collegiate gives both pronunciations with the
> o pronunciation coming first.  The OED gives the long o pronunciation, and
> then adds the long u pronunciation as occasionally heard.
> The derivation of "brooch" is from "broach", the former spelling being
> recent.  There are all kinds of meanings for "broach" having to do with
> things that stick, the change to "brooch" in spelling seems to also
> more specificity in meaning towards "an ornamental pin".
> My questions are thus:  How common is the second pronunciation (long u, to
> rhyme with pooch)?  Is there a regional distribution of that
> It would seem that the second pronunciation is based on spelling.

I think the "broach" pronunciation is more common(at least that's the one I
hear most often out here in SEattle), but I've heard it pronounced both
ways.  But both pronunciations, as you have mentioned, are *spelled* the
same way, which is confuising.
Anne Gilbert

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