
Donald M. Lance LanceDM at MISSOURI.EDU
Thu Aug 3 04:48:54 UTC 2000

This piece of humor came across my screen.  Is this use of 'dipstick' common?  Seems to me
there's a similar word that I can't quite recall.

> > Higher gasoline prices caused by the shortage of oil. The less oil
> > we have, the higher the price at the pump. There are a lot of folks
> > that can't understand how we ran out of oil here in the USA.  Well,
> > here's the answer: It's simple... nobody bothered to check the oil.
> > We didn't know we were getting low!  The reason for that is
> > obviously geographical, all the oil is in Texas and Oklahoma, and
> > all the dipsticks are in Washington, D.C.!!!

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