indigenous, cont.

Natalie Maynor maynor at CS.MSSTATE.EDU
Fri Dec 15 12:21:07 UTC 2000

Frank Abate wrote:

> 2. Is it the case (it is often said to be, without much evidence), that
> many (clearly not all) Native American/American Indian groups, or
> individuals, are proud of the term "Indian" (despite its etymology) and
> prefer it in reference to themselves?

I've seen survey results somewhere suggesting a preference by American
Indians for the label "Indian" over "Native American," but I can't
remember where.  My own research on the question is running 100% for
a preference for "Indian."  As one Indian said, context usually makes
clear whether you mean Indian Indian or American Indian and "American"
can be added as a clarifier if necessary.  I haven't gotten the
impression that "pride" is involved -- just that the people I've
talked to see nothing wrong with being called Indian and find "Native
American" wordy, confusing, unnecessary.  I must add, however, that
my informal research is based on only a handful of respondents.

   --Natalie Maynor (maynor at

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