Fwd: language attitudes

Dennis R. Preston preston at PILOT.MSU.EDU
Tue Feb 1 12:29:59 UTC 2000

I ahve heard got with do-support among working class respondents (Black and
White) in South Midland, North Midland, and Inland Northern varieties -
especially in rapid speech when "do+you" is "contracted."


>I'm quite aware of the forms you cite and in fact use them all the
>time.  It's the do-support + got that I'm not sure of.  Can you name "some
>varieties"?  I'm genuinely curious!
>At 06:18 PM 1/31/00 -0500, you wrote:
>>Let me assure you that the verb form
>>I got                   we got
>>you got                 y'all got
>>he,she,it got(s)        they got
>>and, in some varieties, with do support (do you got?) is neither exlusively
>>AAVE nor limited to children.
>> >Thanks for the clarification.  I've just added a couple more comments:
>> >
>> >At 10:34 AM 1/31/00 +0000, you wrote:
>> >>On Sun, 30 Jan 2000, Beverly Flanigan wrote:
>> >>
>> >>}Since we're talking about British vs. American English again, I'd like to
>> >>}return to the topic of grammar and DO-aux vs. 'got' in BritEng, raised by
>> >>}Nancy Elliott and responded to by Aaron Drews.  I asked my graduate
>> student
>> >>}from London (raised very prescriptively and educated in private schools),
>> >>}and here's part of our exchange (snipping out the school names issue,
>> which
>> >>}was resolved satisfactorily and confirmed by Lorraine).  In a
>> nutshell, she
>> >>}agrees that DO is used in BritEng (as we've known since Shakespeare)
>> but is
>> >>}(perhaps) less common than fronted HAVE; but HAVE GOT is also common and
>> >>}not pejorative:
>> >>}
>> >>
>> >>"have" + "got" strikes me a a common (widespread, as opposed to lower
>> >>class :-) ) usage.
>> >>Raised "have" - I seldom hear it here.  Still aceeptable, though
>> >>"do" + "got" - This is what would be classified as an Americanism.  I
>> >>don't think I've ever heard that here.  Then again, as Beverly Flanigan
>> >>points out, it may be American, but it's not "standard" (whatever a
>> >>standard is).
>> >
>> >My point here was simply that I've never heard "do got" in the declarative
>> >except as negative, and then only with negative concord (don't got none),
>> >as in AAVE.  In the interrogative, it occurs in the tape transcript of
>> >little black kids in DC, taped by Bengt Lowman (sp?) in the '60s (and
>> >excerpted in _Language Files_); one kid asks, "Do you got a twenty dollar
>> >coat?"  Whether this might also be said by adults, I'm not sure.
>> >
>> >
>> >>}>(By the way, I don't like the dig at the 'colonialist'
>> >>}>attitudes - slightly too aggressive perhaps?) OK,
>> >>
>> >>Most of the time, the comments are simply "silly Americans".  I have lost
>> >>count how many times I've heard that.  But I have also heard, and have had
>> >>directed towards me, very disdaining comments about colonial speech.
>> >>Saying I'm a linguist doesn't help (nor does the fact that I'm in the
>> >>English Language department).  However, such comments are very rare.
>> >
>> >Yes, I'm sure you're right; I think my student was just being defensive
>> >about her motherland!
>> >
>> >>}>> >X-Authentication-warning: babel.ling.ed.ac.uk:
>> >>}>> aaron owned process doing -bs
>> >>
>> >>Well, it seems that the server on my end has formed an opinion. :-)
>> >>
>> >>--Aaron
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>________________________________________________________________________
>> >>Aaron E. Drews                               The University of Edinburgh
>> >>aaron at ling.ed.ac.uk                  Departments of English Language and
>> >>http://www.ling.ed.ac.uk/~aaron       Theoretical & Applied  Linguistics
>> >>
>> >>         --Death
>>Dennis R. Preston
>>Department of Linguistics and Languages
>>Michigan State University
>>East Lansing MI 48824-1027 USA
>>preston at pilot.msu.edu
>>Office: (517)353-0740
>>Fax: (517)432-2736

Dennis R. Preston
Department of Linguistics and Languages
Michigan State University
East Lansing MI 48824-1027 USA
preston at pilot.msu.edu
Office: (517)353-0740
Fax: (517)432-2736

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