Elephant Ears - Chrusciki

Kathleen Miller millerk at NYTIMES.COM
Fri Feb 11 14:13:01 UTC 2000

Welcome to the District Barry! Watch out for our newly developed potholes.
They sort of take on a life of their own after the snow.

"chrusciki"- are all over the place near my hometown of Philly and everyone
there is as comfortable with saying it as they are kiel~basa. Sometimes
called Polish Love Knots. They are a bitch to make - a dough rolled
terribly thin, formed in the shape of a knot, fried and sprinkled with
powdered sugar. Never have cinnamon on them.

The interesting thing is no native Polish person I have ever met has ever
heard of them. Looked all over Silesia and Mal~opolska for them - they
looked at me as if I were nuts.

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