Louise Pound glossies

RonButters at AOL.COM RonButters at AOL.COM
Wed Feb 23 03:01:24 UTC 2000

I recall at the ADS meeting in Chicago (after I escaped from the elevator
where I was trapped with the Pickle family for 40 minutes) that some people
expressed interest in possessing a copy of the Louise Pound+bike photo that
appears on this year's tee-shirt. If anyone would like an 8x10 glossy, let me
know; I have the negative and will be happy to distribute them at cost.

What a wonderful woman she was! I have had her photo on my wall for 15+
years, and it has been a delight. One day, Connie Eble will finish that
biography of Dr. Pound--I can't wait!

Anyway, let me know asap if you would like a glossy of LP and I will let you
know what it will cost. Not much, I reckon--postage plus printing.

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