Ka-ching!, Unibrow

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Fri Feb 25 09:30:07 UTC 2000


     From the NEW YORK OBSERVER, 28 February 2000, pg. 28, col. 4:

     _Ka-chunk_ went the cash registers of the Wall Street fee machine.

     It's usually "Ka-ching!"  It's American slang, a financial version of
Marv Albert's "YESSSS!"  It's not in the RHHDAS (in any variant form that I
     The CASSELL DICTIONARY OF SLANG has these entries:

_kaching!_ excl. (1980+) an onomat. term indicating the noise of a metal
object striking another and giving a sharp, bell-like note.
_kerchunk!/cajunk!/cashunk!_ excl. (late 19C+) an onomat. term indicating the
sound of a solid object hitting the ground or two solid objects colliding.
_cachunk!_ excl. (mid-19C) onomat. term indicating the sound of a solid
object hitting the ground.

    This misses the point.  "Ka-ching" means that money is coming out,
usually from a cash register (but sometimes a slot machine).
    Richard Price, THE WANDERER (1974)--a story set in the 1950s, has this on
page 45:  "...the cash register kachangged."


    Also in the New York Observer, on the top corner of page one, is "Madonna
Considers a Frida Kahlo Unibrow."  See our previous discussion of
    What else can be unified?  Feet?  Unicorns?

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