Second Attempt at Mafia Lingo Query

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Thu Jan 20 23:32:17 UTC 2000

What happened to 'sleep with the fishes'?  There's also 'make [him] an
offer [he] can't refuse', but at least we (think we) know where that one
came from.


>Since I have been beating my head against a board on this one that "into
>the witness protection program" was exactly the laugh I needed - thanks.
>But to be more specific how 'bout the actual words/phrases:
>come heavy
>"eating alone"
>Other than calling La Casa Nostra myself I am at a loss. I have Dow Jones,
>and Lexis and NYTIMES past as well as access to JSTOR and the rest. I'm
>finding nothing of substance. Any help would be greatly appreciated and
>would save my sanity. (If I had any to begin with :))
>Katy Miller
>Safire's office.

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