Coinages (part eight)

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Thu Jan 27 07:31:53 UTC 2000

     More "coined the word/phrase/expression," this time taken from Nexis
wire reports.

8-13-97, TechWire--Another yardstick of success will be achieved by the
Internet community on Thursday: It will be awarded its first official mental
health disorder.  The newly identified disorder will be dubbed Pathological
Internet Use (PIU) and will be christened during the presentation of a major
medical paper at the annual convention of the American Psychological
Association in Chicago.  The term is being coined by Dr. Kimberly Young, an
assistant professor of psychology at the University of Pittsburgh at
Bradford, in Bradford, Pa.

6-10-97, Press Association Newsfile--A psychologist has coined a new name for
the six out of 10 managers of small and medium sized businesses in the UK who
see no reason to get Internet access, according to a survey.  The reluctant
majority have been dubbed "Internots" by pundit Dr. David Lewis, the man who
came up with the term "road rage."

5-28-97, Miami Herald--Three days before their presidential vote, Bolivians
have coined the verb narcovincular, meaning to link someone to drug
trafficking.  And all of the three top candidates have been tainted.

5-16-97, PR Newswire--Known as the creator of managed care who coined the
terms Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) and Preferred Provider
Organization (PPO), Dr. Paul Ellwood Jr. has been a leader in health policy
development for more than twenty-five years.

5-12-97, AP--"Never let a fish leave Maine with its head on," and "Maine is
on the move!"  Those are the slogans Gov. Angus King coined to symbolize the
new ideas he promised to bring to government.

5-7-97, Copley News Service--Among air safety experts, the FAA is known as
the "Tombstone agency."  The cutting nickname was coined by an FAA official
who told a journalist several years ago that "we regulate by counting
tombstones."  The comment illustrates the agency's reluctance to do much of
anything until an airline disaster claims hundreds of lives.

4-1-97, Business Wire--Steve Telleen, Ph.D., who coined the term "Intranet"
in 1994...

8-28-96, PR Newswire--..."banner burnout," the term Double Click has coined
to describe viewer apathy in banner response.

6-7-96, City News Service--Max Factor...the legendary makeup artist...died
last night at his West Los Angeles home of heart failure.  (...)  He coined
the terms "makeup" and "lipstick."  His beauty museum will close on June
15th....There's other bad news in Hollywood as C. C. Brown's Ice Cream
Parlor...the birthplace of the hot fudge locking its doors today
after 90 years as a Hollywood landmark.

6-3-96, American Political Network--HISTORY OF SEMANTICS: (CBS' Ed--ed.)
Bradley explained that at a '92 Nat'l Abortion Fed. meeting in TX,
abortion-provider Dr. Martin Haskell "started the controversy" when he gave a
speech on the then-new procedure "Dilation and Extraction."  A few months
later, the Pro-life magazine LIFE ADVOCATE ran a cover story on D&X
abortions, with "graphic depictions" of the procedure.  Those graphics
"eventually made their way to the desk" of pro-life Rep. Charles Canady
(R-FL).  Bradley: "It was Canady, with help from the National Right to Life
Committee, who invented the term "partial-birth abortion" and then wrote the
bill and held hearings to ban it" (60 Minutes, 6/2).

4-10-96, AP--James W. Rouse, the visionary developer who coined the term
"urban renewal"...

4-9-96, Agence France Presse--James Rouse, an urban planner who coined the
term "shopping mall" and designed the first of its kind in the 1950s, died
Tuesday at the age of 81.

11-14-95, UPI--Former United Press International reporter Patrick Conway, who
coined the term "grassy knoll" following the 1963 assassination of President
Kennedy, died Monday of cancer.

11-3-95, Post-Newsweek Business Information--Billionaire Bill may call it
'The Information Highway," but his former partner, Paul Allen, coined the
phrase "The Wired World" more than 20 years ago, and that was the title of a
speech to the Asymetrix Asia Pacific multimedia bash in Melbourne this week.

To be continued.

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