
JP Villanueva jvillanu at CTC.CTC.EDU
Tue Jul 11 00:36:54 UTC 2000

I've heard that a lot up here in Seattle.  I think it's more charming than
it is standard.--jpv

                          jvillanu at

On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, Greg Pulliam wrote:

> An African (not African-American) student in my American English
> Language class reports being asked at least twice in Florida and
> Tennessee for her "autograph" on a credit card receipt.  She wants to
> know if this is a regional usage.  I told her I didn't think so--that
> now and then clerks here in Chicago have said this to me, and that it
> was probably just coincidence that she heard it twice within a few
> days in the South.
> But I told her that I'd write and see if anyone on the list disagreed
> with me.  Any takers?
> --
> -
> Greg
> greg at

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