Texas is a rogue state

Derrick Chapman derrickchapman at MINDSPRING.COM
Tue Jul 11 12:59:10 UTC 2000

Hi, I'm Derrick Chapman, you may remember me from such controversies as
"Texas is part of the South" and "Stalin had some character flaws."

I thank both those who agreed with me and disagreed with me.  My original
point was that a single "source" for the perceived "Southern drawl" would
not be found, owing to the diverse population and linguistic elements that
contributed to the South, and owing to the so-generalized-as-to-be-useless
lumping of all Southern drawl-ers together, when plainly a Texan's speech is
recognizably different from a Virginian's.

I committed a beginner's error, ignoring George Bush's Law of Kennebunkport
Extraterritoriality:  anyone who rents a hotel room or a mailbox in Texas is
a Texan.  Legally, fiscally, culturally, and linguistically. Also anywhere a
Texan lives is Texas.  Certain parts of Maine and Florida are therefore to
be considered as part of Greater Texas.  And I believe Texaco gas stations
are now recognized by international law as embassies, their employees
accorded diplomatic immunity.

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