Ich bin ein Berliner

Gerald Cohen gcohen at UMR.EDU
Thu Jun 1 02:24:06 UTC 2000

Allan Metcalf correctly  suspects that (Reinhold) Aman convincingly
rejected the notion that  Kennedy was understood to say "I am a
jelly-doughnut." Aman's article appeared in his publication _Maledicta_,
but I do not have the exact reference handy.  I'll get ahold of it tomorrow
and share it with ADS-L.

-----Gerald Cohen
>"I am a jelly doughnut."
>--John F. Kennedy (translated from the German) >>
>This translation of Kennedy's "Ich bin ein Berliner" is a myth. Was it
>Reinhard Aman who wrote the definitive article about it? Perhaps someone has
>a reference to the specific publication.
>- Allan Metcalf

gcohen at umr.edu

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