Wall Street article-Closely held

Margaret Lee mlee303 at YAHOO.COM
Thu Jun 1 10:54:17 UTC 2000

In the Wall Street Journal article of May 30, "No
longer just eggheads, linguists leap to the net," that
Allan informed us about, the term "closely held" is
used to describe most of the e-businesses mentioned.
Does anyone have any ideas about its meaning as used
in the article:

   "...tripled his income by joining closely held
"Ten of the 30 employees at closely held Cymfony Inc.
...have linguistics Ph.D.'s."
"Closely held AnswerLogic, Inc....is hiring and
training ...'language lovers'..."
"...recently took a job at closely held BeVocal

Margaret G. Lee, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of English & Linguistics
and University Editor
Department of English, Hampton University
Hampton, VA 23668
Office:(757)727-5437; Fax:(757)727-5421; home:(757)851-5773
e-mail: mlee303 at yahoo.com   or     margaret.lee at hamptonu.edu

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