Wall Street article-Closely held

David Bergdahl bergdahl at OAK.CATS.OHIOU.EDU
Thu Jun 1 12:53:50 UTC 2000

This is a common term in business journalism: "closely held" simply
means that there is no publicly-traded stock; the owners control all of

Margaret Lee wrote:

> In the Wall Street Journal article of May 30, "No
> longer just eggheads, linguists leap to the net," that
> Allan informed us about, the term "closely held" is
> used to describe most of the e-businesses mentioned.
> Does anyone have any ideas about its meaning as used
> in the article:
>    "...tripled his income by joining closely held
> Lexeme..."
> "Ten of the 30 employees at closely held Cymfony Inc.
> ...have linguistics Ph.D.'s."
> "Closely held AnswerLogic, Inc....is hiring and
> training ...'language lovers'..."
> "...recently took a job at closely held BeVocal
> Inc...."
> =====
> Margaret G. Lee, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor of English & Linguistics
> and University Editor
> Department of English, Hampton University
> Hampton, VA 23668
> Office:(757)727-5437; Fax:(757)727-5421; home:(757)851-5773
> e-mail: mlee303 at yahoo.com   or     margaret.lee at hamptonu.edu
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David Bergdahl          http://oak.cats.ohiou.edu/~bergdahl
tel:  (740) 593-2783
366 Ellis Hall     Ohio University  Athens, Ohio 45701-2979       fax:
(740) 593-2818

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