vulgarities in silent films

Fred Shapiro fred.shapiro at YALE.EDU
Sat Jun 10 19:23:37 UTC 2000

On Sat, 10 Jun 2000, Robert S. Wachal wrote:

> I got just one response, so I am posting once again.
> Can anyone point me to quotable sources and examples of the claim that
> vulgarities were often uttered in silent films?

I don't know whether journalistic sources are helpful to you for this
purpose, but the article by Bill Jones in the Phoenix Gazette, July 7,
1994, makes this claim.

Fred R. Shapiro                             Coeditor (with Jane Garry)
Associate Librarian for Public Services     TRIAL AND ERROR: AN OXFORD
  and Lecturer in Legal Research            ANTHOLOGY OF LEGAL STORIES
Yale Law School                             Oxford University Press, 1998
e-mail: fred.shapiro at               ISBN 0-19-509547-2

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