Query: Recordings of American English Dialects

Grant Barrett gbarrett at AMERICANDIALECT.ORG
Mon Mar 6 14:11:29 UTC 2000

This came in from the ADS web site. Anything you can do to help the sender will be
appreciated. Please send your responses to the original sender, though you may want to
cc: the list.

From: Mike Fortescue, Camberley, England
e-mail address: MForte8818 at aol.com

Dear Mr Barrett,
Could you please help me. I am looking for an audio guide to American English
regional dialects on tape (cassette or reel-to-reel) or preferably on CD. The
main dialect groups would be a start, working up to a more detailed guide

Although I have some written accounts of these dialects in phonetic alphabet,
these do not convey the actual sounds and intonation - in fact, the

I appreciate that such recordings would have to be obtained from the USA, but
this would not be a problem, as most can be paid for by VISA or MC.

Your help would be greatly appreciated

Your sincerely,

Mike Fortescue

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