cacha?a and OFF TOPIC
Mike Salovesh
t20mxs1 at CORN.CSO.NIU.EDU
Wed Mar 8 08:45:23 UTC 2000
Kim & Rima McKinzey wrote:
> >The ç and í in the messages I've received look fine on my (that's the
> >Apple symbol) iBook.
> They look fine on my G3 as well.
> Rima
They look as they should on this old Compaq, too. I use an updated
Netscape 4.5 and Compaq's version of WIN 95 (original version, not
updated) on this machine. I set the combination to run ISO-8859-1
(which ought to be standard ASCII).
For demonstration purposes, I've entered a series of extended characters
below. My screen shows them as accented vowels, N with tilde, c
cedilla, upside-down question mark, etc. They come through fine when I
send them in a message to my address on another ISP or to my secondary
address here at NIU. After I send and received messages containing the
extended characters, they print properly, too.
To produce these characters, I press and hold <ALT> while entering a
3-digit code. A majority of those I've sent messages using extended
characters produced this way have no trouble reading them in the
meanings I intended. A significant minority sees garbage, however. I
don't know why there is a difference.
If the characters in the following table show on your screen as accented
vowels and other special characters, you may find it convenient to enter
extended characters the way I do. To read the table, start at the left
and read over to the final digit. (Example: in the series from 120 to
129, 128 is Ç.)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
120-129 x y z { | } ~ Ç ü
130-139 é â ä à å ç ê ë è ï
140-149 î ì Ä Å É æ Æ ô ö ò
150-159 û ù ÿ Ö Ü ¢ £ ¥ P
160-169 á í ó ú ñ Ñ ª º ¿
170-179 ¬ ½ ¼ ¡ « »
220-229 ß ¶
230-239 µ
240-249 ± ÷ °
250-259 · _ n ²
270-279 ¤ ¶ §
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Blank spaces on the diagram are places where no new characters appear
when I try to insert characters corresponding to those numbers.
(Instead, I get underlines or asterisks -- YMMV.)
-- mike salovesh <salovesh at>
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