Needs specimens

Aaron E. Drews aaron at LING.ED.AC.UK
Fri Mar 10 12:13:57 UTC 2000

}Allan Metcalf said:
}> In central Illinois, "needs cleaned" and "needs washed" are common . . .
}Jane Clark replied:
}> I spend time in central Illinois although I no longer live there, and I
}have > never heard this except by extremely low class people. You really
}shouldn't say > it is common.

I guess it depends on how you define "common", although I don't picture
Allan as intending the aristocratic sense.

}On Monday, I saw a truck parked on a grocery store parking lot with this
}message traced in its very dusty side:
}"This truck needs washed".
}That was here in DeKalb, Illinois. DeKalb is central Illinois on the
}east-west axis, even though it's on the northern end of the state.

I'm wondering if this is an example of a regional standard and a broader
standard being in conflict.  If so, it's interesting to see the regional
standard being relegated to non-standard/working class.  (judging from
Jane Clark's comment).


PS Isn't it rather telling that it's always washing and cleaning that need
done. :-)

Aaron E. Drews                               The University of Edinburgh
aaron at                  Departments of English Language and       Theoretical & Applied  Linguistics


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