Halls of ivy

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Sun Mar 12 14:49:56 UTC 2000

   Greetings again from the Frankfurt airport.
   The Roman IV sounds farfetched.  The obvious answer seems likely.  I think one of my father's Cornell songs had this line.
   The Bilbao Guggenheim is overrated.  I did the whole thing in about 45 minutes.  Lots of weird angles to the building, but big deal.
   This is from the Cuchi Bar in Santander, Spain:

SURPIRITO--kalhua, licor platano y crema
ALHAMBRA--ron cubano, lima y azucar
CAPRICHITO--whisky, menta-chocolate y crema
VESPA (sin alcohol)--platano, zumo de pina y limon natural
FORTACHON--tequila y kalhua
BOCA LOCA (sin alcohol)--kiwi, limon y menta
CHUS NORRIS--sorpresa
GABACHO--ginebra, limon natural y cava
SARDINECO--platano, ron cubano y limon natural
COSTERA--naranja, martini blanco y kiwi
AZUL--pina, curacao, ron y licor melocoton
SANTILLANA--naranja, vodka, grand marinier y mas
QUITA PENAS--melocoton, granadina, pina y tequila
BOCA LOCA--ron, pina, malibu y...

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