"Beat Around the Bush"
Dennis R. Preston
preston at PILOT.MSU.EDU
Fri Mar 31 01:41:33 UTC 2000
Huh! Def. #2 sounds just like it to me. Hell, us guys from Louisville even
know the word "equivocate" (but not when we were three or four).
>On Wed, 29 Mar 2000 19:57:43 -0500 "Dennis R. Preston"
><preston at PILOT.MSU.EDU> writes:
>>Holy Makrel!
>>Just what I needed. A defination of "beat around the bush" (which I've
>>said since I was three or four) as "tergiversate," which I can
>>out but have never heard nor said. No wonder he was your guru. He knew
>>swell words.
>My desk dictionary says tergiversate: 1. To become a renegade:
>(a more natural meaning of "turn one's back?") 2. to use subterfuges:
>tergiversation: 1. desertion of a cause, party, or faith
> 2. evasions of a straightforward action or
>clear-cut statement:
> equivocation.
>It doesn't exactly sound like "beat around the bush."
>I'll admit I hadn't heard of "bodega" except in the movie "The Birds"
>which was set in
>Bodega Bay, California.
Dennis R. Preston
Department of Linguistics and Languages
Michigan State University
East Lansing MI 48824-1027 USA
preston at pilot.msu.edu
Office: (517)353-0740
Fax: (517)432-2736
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