Query: "wigger"

Gail Stygall stygall at U.WASHINGTON.EDU
Thu May 11 20:11:03 UTC 2000

I am looking for origins and uses of the term "wigger."  One of my
teenagers says that it was featured on one of the tv news magazines
recently, but that he has never heard it in his larger, urban racially
mixed high school.  Apparently the news magazine indicated that it was a
white-on-white term.  Did anyone see this program or does anyone know of
the origin?
Gail Stygall

Gail Stygall <stygall at u.washington.edu>              (206) 543-2190
Director, Expository Writing Program
Associate Professor, English Language and Literature
English, Box 354330, University of Washington, Seattle WA 98195-4330

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