pronunciation of ALCOHOLIC

RonButters at AOL.COM RonButters at AOL.COM
Sat Nov 11 04:38:16 UTC 2000

I have been making notes every time I hear the word ALCOHOLIC pronounced, and
it seems to me that about 2% of the people I listen to say [aek at h)l at k]
invariantently, even when others in conversation with them consistently say
[aelk at h)l at k]. I'm not talking about vocalization of the [l], as in
[aeuk at h)l at k]; it just ain't there at all. Those who do not have the first [l]
do not seem to notice that they lack it, and those who listen to them speak
do not seem to notice the absence of the [l] (at least, nobody comments on
it). There does not seem to be any regional correlation (as there is with,
say, [hEp] for [hElp], and very little social correlation.

Anyone else notice this? Any explanation?

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