melugeon dialect

Sonja L Launspach sllauns at CWIS.ISU.EDU
Fri Oct 13 04:34:33 UTC 2000

one of my students turned in a dialect profile on the Melugeon dialect
supposed spoken in Appalachia ( the assignment was a profile an the
Applachian dialect based on the class readings) I've never heard of this
before. My question is, it a real dialect-group? The student has sources
she cited. It made the group of speakers sound somewhat like the Romani,
with Melugeon thought to be derived from Turkish.

any info would be appreciated

Sonja Launspach
Sonja Launspach
Assistant Professor Linguistics
Dept.of English & Philosophy
Idaho State University
Pocatello, ID 83209
email: sllauns at

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