the psychology of Gray/Grey

Paul Frank paulfrank at POST.HARVARD.EDU
Mon Oct 16 17:39:16 UTC 2000

Bob Haas:
> I use "theatre/theater" in exactly the way you mention, Lynne--theatre
> equaling drama and theater equaling edifice--despite knowing that there's
> essentially no difference.  But despite that knowledge, I still use both
> theatre and theater.  It just feels correct.
> But the whole grey/gray thing?  No diff.  I tend to use grey, but I
> really say why.  Probably some suppressed anglophilic agenda.
> bob

No offence, but isn't theatre a tad pretentious? It's a pet peeve of mine,
though only in American English.

Paul Frank
Business, financial and legal translation
>From Chinese, German, French, Spanish,
Italian, Dutch and Portuguese into English
E-mail: paulfrank at - Thollon, France
"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby
some have entertained angels unawares." Hebrews 13:2

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