Connotative differences in spelling

Lynne Murphy lynnem at COGS.SUSX.AC.UK
Wed Oct 18 11:11:53 UTC 2000

>"Thru" and -- I think -- a few other 'reformed' spellings remain in
>'serious' use on US road signs. Is the UK different in this regard?
>-- Doug Wilson

There's a lot less writing on UK road signs in general (they're more
the international symbol type), and I don't recall seeing 'thru', but
I don't have a car, so I wouldn't know.  The one thing that I've
noticed is that motorcycle parking is marked "SOLO M/C"--I find the
SOLO instead of ONLY interesting.  Doesn't seem recent enough to be
an EU innovation.

I have seen in a newspaper (probably _The Guardian_) the NY state
thruway (I think this was in an article about the NY senate race)
spelt "throughway", which I wanted to write to the editor about, but

M. Lynne Murphy
Lecturer in Linguistics
School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 3AN    UK
phone:  +44(0)1273-678844
fax:    +44(0)1273-671320

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