more on Pittsburgh talk; with a digression on nanas

Douglas G. Wilson douglas at NB.NET
Mon Oct 23 15:54:53 UTC 2000

>Talking to my wife, a native Pittsburgh regioner, about the recent
>postings on Pittsburgh talk, reminded me of a quirk of her defunct
>mother's way of talking that had struck me from the first time I had
>heard it: the use of the work "anymore" in affirmative statements.
>For instance, "That is so expensive anymore!"  I would only use
>"anymore" in a negative context: "I can't afford that anymore."  In
>Doggie Nana's statement, I would use "nowadays" or "now", &c: "That
>is so expensive these days!" ...

I think positive 'anymore' is widespread, although with varying

I generally considered it a 'natural error' in Chicago, Detroit, etc.

Here in Pittsburgh it seems to be somewhat more common.

Supposedly it is concentrated in South Midland dialects.

It has been discussed on this list to some extent.

A comparable 'natural error' which I've heard only from non-native speakers:

"Have you ever been to New York?"
"No, but I have ever been to Boston."

[I'm sure somewhere in AS there must be a paper demonstrating that this is
really a widely accepted usage .... (^_^)]

-- Doug Wilson

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