go = say, date?

Arnold Zwicky zwicky at CSLI.STANFORD.EDU
Fri Sep 1 02:00:03 UTC 2000

bob wachal:
  I was thinking of the theme song for Little Orphan Annie which has
  the line: "Arf," goes Sandy.  From the early thirties, I would

well, yes, sandy went "arf" all the time.  did the strips (as opposed
to the much later musical) merely represent sandy going "arf", or did
they say "sandy goes, 'arf'"?

in any case, this is irrelevant.  sandy produced reportable *noises*,
but not reportable *speech*.  (this at least is my recollection.
maybe sandy was more talented than i remember.)  the question is
whether there are pre-60s attestations of things like, "orphan annie
went, 'oh sandy, don't chew on that!'"

arnold (zwicky at csli.stanford.edu)

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