
Joan Houston Hall jdhall at FACSTAFF.WISC.EDU
Fri Sep 8 17:35:23 UTC 2000

DARE's evidence shows "knucklehead" to be scattered across the country.
Does anyone have anything to help Mr. Lewis?  Please respond directly to
him if so. Thanks.

>I've noticed an increase in the use of the word "knucklehead" in the
>Philadelphia press in the 1990s -- at least as compared to the 80s,
>which is as far back as the daily papers' online archives go. I have
>a suspicion, which I'm working on demonstrating, that this trend can
>be traced to a handful of local political figures who use the word
>frequently. Each of these gentlemen is generally media savvy and on
>good terms with reporters, and I have a feeling that their frequent
>use of the word has raised its usage among reporters.
>Anyway, I was wondering if you could tell me anything about the use
>of this word. Is it peculiar to the Northeast? Have you observed an
>increase in its use anywhere? Any information or advice you could
>offer would be appreciated.
>Frank Lewis
>Senior writer, Philadelphia City Paper
>215-735-8444 x 204
>flewis at

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