toward establishing isogloss

Tim Frazer tcf at MACOMB.COM
Sat Sep 9 20:04:42 UTC 2000

Do they say "gaper delay" on radio in Atlanta or other places south or west?

----- Original Message -----
From: Bernard W. Kane <bkane at TIGGER.JVNC.NET>
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 9:15 PM
Subject: toward establishing isogloss

> Expression "gaper delay" to describe traffic slowdown caused by motorists
> slowing to gape at overturned vehicle or ambulances or activity by the
> is in wide use on radio stations in the Philadelphia metropolitan area;
> noted it first at least 5 years ago, haven't seen it in print very often,
> can't convince dictionary edd. to accept it.
> Bernie Kane
> word-finder
> mailto:bkane at

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