rubbernecking again

Mike Salovesh t20mxs1 at CORN.CSO.NIU.EDU
Wed Sep 13 10:35:28 UTC 2000

Rima McKinzey wrote:
> >         Many of the citations posted here recently for the word "rubberneck"
> >show that people have lost sight of the image that made it such a
> >glorious linguistic creation. ...
> My thoughts too.  Rubbernecking must involve motion while gawking
> doesn't.  Also, my connotative sense of lookie-lou is of someone
> looking but not buying (in a shop, car dealer, real estate venue).

"Lookie-lou" finally triggered my realization that ADS-L has visited
some of these terms before.

For those who find "lookie-lou" unfamiliar, may I suggest the
possibility that it's in complementary distribution with "beback"?  ("No
thanks, I'm not ready to buy right now.  I'll be back."  People in
retail sales are not supposed to let the beback hear the derogatory
response. . .  the gentlest form of which is "maybe so, but I won't hold
my breath".

-- mike salovesh                    <salovesh at>

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