
Tom Kysilko pds at VISI.COM
Thu Sep 14 04:34:44 UTC 2000

At 04:54 PM 9/13/2000 -0700, Peter A. McGraw wrote:
>Then there are those of us who never talked about malls as pre-teenagers
>because they hadn't been invented yet!  Uncovered "shopping centers,"
>maybe, but enclosed "malls," no.  (Or at least they hadn't reached us out
>here in the Wild West, where we just rode into town and tied our horses to
>the hitchin' post when we went a-shoppin'.)

Just a reminder that the very first covered mall was built west of the
Mississippi, if not by much.

--Tom Kysilko (who just missed being a pre-teenager for the event)

  Tom Kysilko        Practical Data Services
  pds at visi.com       Saint Paul MN USA

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