
Bob Haas highbob at MINDSPRING.COM
Fri Sep 15 19:02:04 UTC 2000

I remember talking with my students and their use of "gay" as a general
purpose, yet mild put-down a couple of years ago, the fall semester of '98
to be precise.

I think this is a slow pick-up.  How could High Point, NC, be ahead of the
rest of the country?

> From: "Steve K." <stevek at SHORE.NET>
> Reply-To: American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
> Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 14:23:40 -0400
> Subject: Re: 'gay'
> This is one of the first times I've read a cutesy article in Salon that
> actually reflects my train of thought. About a year ago, "That's so
> gay" entered my idiolect bigtime. You have to pronounce 'so' with a
> triphthong, though, for proper effect. (Or proper affect, for that
> matter.)

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