
RonButters at AOL.COM RonButters at AOL.COM
Sat Sep 16 16:06:28 UTC 2000

Just so you'll know, Dick Bailey has been hard at work editing Read's
unpublished papers for a volume to be published, one hopes, within the
year--as soon as a publisher has been found and the editing is complete. I
don't know if this particular article will be included or not, but Dick could
tell us.

In a message dated 8/21/2000 6:48:26 AM, abatefr at EARTHLINK.NET writes:

<< Paul et al.

I heard Allen Walker Read give a wonderful paper (like all his papers) on

"United States" some years back at an ANS or ADS meeting.  He was focusing

more on the inhabitant-adjectival uses over the years, but may well have

touched on the singular/plural thing.  I don't know if the paper was

published, but I'd check the index for "Names", the journal of ANS, and also

American Speech.

Frank Abate >>

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