safire satire

Lynne Murphy lynnem at COGS.SUSX.AC.UK
Thu Sep 21 15:22:15 UTC 2000


William Safire Orders Two
Whoppers Junior
NEW YORK--Stopping for lunch
at a Manhattan Burger King,
New York Times 'On Language'
columnist William Safire ordered
two "Whoppers Junior" Monday.
"A majority of Burger King
patrons operate under the
fallacious assumption that the
plural is 'Whopper Juniors,'"
Safire told a woman standing in
line behind him. "This, of
course, is a grievous
grammatical blunder, akin to
saying 'passerbys' or, worse yet,
the dreaded 'attorney
generals.'" Last week, Safire
patronized a midtown Taco Bell,
ordering "two Big Beef Burritos

Honestly, I do actually do things other than read trashy websites.
M. Lynne Murphy
Lecturer in Linguistics
School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 3AN    UK
phone:  +44(0)1273-678844
fax:    +44(0)1273-671320

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