"Play it again, Sam"

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Thu Sep 21 11:43:01 UTC 2000

At 7:24 PM -0400 9/20/00, Anne Lambert wrote:
>What Bogart says is, "Play it, Sam."
>Someone should list the stores, etc., named "Play it, Sam," "Play it again,
>Sam" and so on. We have a sports store here in Gainesville called "Play It
Might the full name be "Play It Again Sports"?  I believe it's a
chain (either that or a coincidence) selling recycled sports gear
(including workout machines as well as baseball gloves, hockey and
lacrosse sticks, clothes, etc.), as there's a store with that name
around here and I believe I've driven past another one somewhere else.


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