"Windy City" wrong in Chicago Tribune AGAIN!

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Mon Aug 13 16:16:16 UTC 2001

   This never ends.  I've complained to the Chicago Tribune's ombudsman, but I did that five years ago!

5 August 2001, CHICAGO TRIBUNE, Pg. 8, "Ask Tom Why" by Tom Skilling, meterologist, WGN:
   The wind does blow in Chicago, but not enough to earn it the nickname of the "Windy City."  The moniker was bestowed on the city by the New York press in the late 1800s.  According to the Chicago Public Libray, Chicago and New York were competing to host the 1893 Columbian Exposition, and the Chicago politicans were loudly boasting their city's virtues.

2 June 2001, CHICAGO TRIBUNE, section 4, pg. 1, by Leslie Mann:
   New York Sun editor Charles A. Dana coined the term "Windy City" while describing the competition between New York City, Chicago, Washington, D. C. and St. Louis for the right to host the fair.

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