surveiling, to surveil?

Drew Danielson drew.danielson at CMU.EDU
Fri Feb 2 00:59:17 UTC 2001

Jane P Parker wrote:
> "Something may have happened in the  area we were surveiling/surveilling. "
>  Is this a real word? Heard on The World  npr thurs evening
> used by Dr. Ray Arthur.  Surveilling for ebola in Uganda.
> I could have misheard but it sure sounded like surveiling
> Jane P Parker

American Heritage says:

v. tr. sur·veilled, sur·veil·ling, sur·veils. Usage Problem

To keep under surveillance.

[Back-formation from surveillance.]
Usage Note: Surveil has encountered the same kind of critical resistance
that was once accorded to other back-formations such as diagnose and
donate. It remains to be seen whether it too will eventually come to be
regarded as useful and unexceptionable.

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