
Alice Faber faber at ALVIN.HASKINS.YALE.EDU
Sun Feb 4 17:03:37 UTC 2001

Natalie Maynor said:
>Frank Abate wrote:
>> FYI, I got Larry's email with a true smiley face and frowny face at the =
>> bottom.  I work on a Compaq laptop and use MS Outlook Express for email.
>It was a capital L for me.  But then I read mail online using Unix mailx
>(and have given up the battle of asking people to *please* tell their
>mail programs to stick to ascii -- I'm resigned to having a bunch of
>garbage appended to e-mail from people whose settings are to send
>everything in html).

I mostly trash HTML and Mime email without reading it. The only exception
is mail from my real estate agent, who emails me house listings.
Alice Faber                                       tel. (203) 865-6163
Haskins Laboratories                              fax  (203) 865-8963
270 Crown St                                   faber at haskins.yale.edu
New Haven, CT 06511                               afaber at wesleyan.edu

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