Word AutoCorrect - turning off autocapitalization of "i"

Nancy Steinkoenig nsteinkoenig at NETSCAPE.NET
Mon Feb 5 14:01:24 UTC 2001

Date:    Sun, 4 Feb 2001 16:18:32 -0500
From:    "D. Ezra Johnson" <ezra_50 at HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: Fw: Emoticons/smileys in Word]
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To my mind, more troubling than the replacement of :) by a true smiley is
the replacement of lowercase i by capital I, even when enclosed in brackets
as a phonetic symbol. This one can't be fixed by a backspace, since it
doesn't appear until a forward space. You have to fool it by typing [ii] or
something, and then going back and removing one of the characters.

If you scroll down the AutoCorrect list of words, you will probably find that "i" will be replaced by "I." Just delete that entry from the list, and it will trouble you no more.

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