people of color & Chicano

Joe Pickett Joe_Pickett at HMCO.COM
Wed Feb 7 14:51:18 UTC 2001

All of the words that have been under discussion here recently [Hispanic
(and Latino), Chicano, (person of) color, colored, nonwhite] are discussed
in usage notes in AHD4, along with other words like Anglo, Latina, and

The difference in meaning and in usage between Hispanic and Latino is
discussed in some detail in the note at Hispanic.

Sorry if I keep pointing out features of this book, but I think these notes
on social terms are particular useful.


Kim & Rima McKinzey <rkm at SLIP.NET>@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU> on 02/07/2001 02:47:59

Please respond to American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>

Sent by:  American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>

Subject:  Re: people of color & Chicano

>Indigo Som wrote:
>>  If anybody wants to know why "Hispanic" is offensive I'll be glad to
>>  explain that too, but I've rambled enough for today!
>I wonder if there are other groups besides "Hispanics," Arabs and Chinese
>are defined by their language/linguistic group rather than race, religion,
>common culture, or nation.

Actually, I would like to know why "Hispanic" is offensive.  My
impression has been that Chicano/a referred to Mexican-Americans and
that Latino/a referred to those from other Latin or South American
Spanish speaking countries.  And re David's comment, why would
defining people by their language/linguistic group be any more or
offensive than definition by race, etc.?  It would seem a more
neutral definition to me - less informative, perhaps, in many cases -
but more neutral.


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