Fwd: Sawyer Fellowship Job Posting

Salikoko Mufwene mufw at MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU
Fri Feb 16 00:02:01 UTC 2001

>The University of Chicago
>Literary Studies, Chicago, Illinois 60637
>Postdoctoral Fellow
>Postdoctoral Fellowship for Sawyer Seminar on "The Range of
>Contemporary Literacy: The Circulation of Poetry," focusing
>especially but not exclusively on African American, Korean, German,
>Russian, and East European poetry. This seminar will concentrate on
>questions of contemporary literacy, socio-linguistics, the public
>roles of art, and the engagement of literary intellectuals in liberal
>democracies and in autocratic regimes. This residential fellowship
>lasts from mid-September 2001 to mid-June 2002, and offers a stipend
>of $35,000. There is no application form, but applicants should
>submit copies of the following documents: a c.v., a chapter-length
>piece of work, and a statement of purpose (no longer than five
>double-spaced pages) describing their research project, intellectual
>trajectory, and the relationship of both to the Seminar's theme. They
>should also ask three referees to submit letters of recommendation.
>Application materials are due by March 30, 2001, and should be sent
>to the Sawyer Seminar on Poetry, The Franke Institute for the
>Humanities at The University of Chiago, 1100 East 57th Street, JRL
>S-102, Chicago, Illinois 60637. For more information:

Salikoko S. Mufwene                        s-mufwene at uchicago.edu
University of Chicago                      773-702-8531; FAX 773-834-0924
Department of Linguistics
1010 East 59th Street
Chicago, IL 60637
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