reminder, 2 CFPs

Grant Smith gsmith at MAIL.EWU.EDU
Sun Feb 25 01:25:56 UTC 2001

Reminder: Two Calls for papers.

1. AMERICAN NAME SOCIETY, Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Dec. 27-30
Two open MLA sessions (plus 10-12 allied sessions).  Fields include
literature, philosophy, linguistics, geography, social/historical usage.
150 word abstracts by 3 March to Christine Devinne < cdevinne at

2. PLANSUS Session for meeting with the Council of Geographic Name Authorities
Boise, ID, Sept.4-8
Any topic in the field of place names.  150 word abstracts by 3 March to
Grant Smith <gsmith at>

Grant W. Smith, Immediate Past President        Phone:  509-359-6023
American Name Society                           Fax:    509-359-4269
Prof. English/Coord. Humanities
Eastern Washington University, MS-25            Email:  gsmith at
526 Fifth St.
Cheney, WA  99004-2431

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