Ameliorated words of offensive origin

James A. Landau JJJRLandau at AOL.COM
Wed Feb 28 14:57:44 UTC 2001

Merriam-Webster's 10th Collegiate offers the following 4 definitions for
"camp".  Note that these definitions are in HISTORICAL order:

1.  exaggerated effeminate mannerisms exhibited esp. by homosexuals
2.  a homosexual displaying camp
3.  something so outrageously artifical, affected, inappropriate, or
out-of-date as to be considered amusing
4.  something self-consciously exaggerated or theatrical

for about a generation now, in my experience, in the US, "camp" has been used
only in meanings 3 and 4.  Note that I specify "in the US".  I have
encountered British uses of "camp" to mean "homosexual".  Does anyone know if
this is current British usage?


In the US Army soldiers being drilled have a family of chants for counting
cadence that are known as "Jody calls".  Typical:

        (sergeant) I should have stayed hom but I left
        (troops)    You're right
      (s)            Jody was there when you left
        (t)            You're right
        (s)           Sound off
        (t)            One two
        (s)           Sound off
        (t)            Three four
        (s)           Take it on down
        (t)            One two three four
                       One two [one-beat pause] threefour

It is my understanding that any cadence chant with the above refrain
constitutes a "Jody call".

Who or what was "Jody"?  According to a photocopy someone gave me, allegedly
from a book entitled "The Erotic Muse", "Jody" is a contraction of "Joe the
Grinder, from a type of coital movement."  This piece of etymoligica, true or
not, is certainly not known to the average infantryman trying to keep step.


Jew's harp---probably originally an ethnic term and probably intended as an
insult, but this connotation long forgotten.  In fact I have never heard the
term pronounced other than as "juice harp"


dutchman  "a device for hiding or counteracting structural defects" e.g. in
theater, strips of cloth soaked in glue used to attach flats together or
otherwise hide construction details .  This sounds suspiciously like a
forgotten ethnic insult.


hussar = a type of cavalryman, original meaning was "highway robber" (it is
related to "corsair")


filibuster was originally a Spanish word meaning "freebooter" or "pirate",
then became "an American who raised revolts against Latin American countries"
and now is merely a deliberately long speech

            - Jim Landau

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