Question regarding phallic symbols

Bob Haas highbob at MINDSPRING.COM
Wed Feb 28 23:27:00 UTC 2001

Maybe a "yonic symbol," derived from the Hindu term "yoni"?  I've  never
heard of this, but it seems like it'd appropriate for what you're looking
for.  And I hope that it would be politically correct, since it certainly
isn't derived from any western European languages.  I live in fear (this is
a fairly serious confession).

Treading lightly,


> From: Brian Pletcher <bpletche at MIDDLEBURY.EDU>
> Reply-To: American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
> Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 18:05:07 -0500
> Subject: Question regarding phallic symbols
> Hello everyone, I was recently struck by the idea that there is a word for
> phallic images, but not for the opposite, namely the female genital organ.
> Is there some obscure word out there for such a thing?  I would think that
> it would be useful if a matriarchy ever develops and men can whine about all
> the ______ symbols all over the place.  Thanks in advance! (please send
> responses to this address, I'm not on the list)
> Brian
> Middlebury College, Vermont

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