Eye of the Storm (2000, from 1861-1865)

Mark Odegard markodegard at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Jan 9 05:42:50 UTC 2001

Since Barry has mentioned this book, let me add my hosannas. This book ranks
with U.S. Grant and Sam Watkins as *definitive* memoirs of the US Civil War.
In the case of Pvt Sneden, it's his illustrations which make his reputation.
Yes: these three are in the same category of war memoirs as those of Caesar
and Xenophon.

My ggg-grandfather (pvt Wesley Graham, Co C, 25th Tn Inf, CSA) got himself
killed-in-action at the Battle of Mill Springs, KY, 19 Jan 1862. He left a
house full of fatherless kids.

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