Dutch Apple Pie (1938)
Bapopik at AOL.COM
Bapopik at AOL.COM
Tue Jul 24 03:22:56 UTC 2001
Dutch apple pie.
Where is it? It's not in OED.
It's not in DARE, which has Dutch boiled dinner, Dutch cabbage, Dutch cake, Dutch cheese, Dutch clover, Dutch courage, Dutch doughnut, Dutch fried potatoes. Dutch goose, Dutch lunch, Dutch milk, Dutch salad, Dutch treat, and more. Did I miss it? WHERE IS DUTCH APPLE PIE??
It's not in Jean Anderson's AMERICAN CENTURY COOKBOOK.
Does Peter Tamony have it in his wordlist?
Didn't ANYBODY record it? Dutch apple pie!!
From the NEW YORK HERALD TRIBUNE, 27 September 1938, pg. 22, col. 6:
_Apple Pie, Mid-Western Style,_
_A Specialty on Fifth Avenue_
By Clementine Paddleford
DUTCH PIE--The food is prepared in small amounts, home style, by a staff of thirty-five women cooks, with Miss Edna Holland (left in photograph) (DUTCH APPLE PIE COMES FROM "MISS HOLLAND"?--ed.) dietitian in charge. Here you see apple pie in preparation, the new crop McIntosh apples diced into the shell. This is a slowly baked pie. The crust is made with as little liquid as possible. Reducing the liquid is the only way in the world, Home Institute tests show, to get a crust that won't soak with juice when fruit filled. Such a crust browns on the bottom as well as the top, and under crust matches upper crust in its flaky texture. The apples going into these pies cook to a juicy pulp with the clarity of rosy Anjou wine. We call this pie ambrosia. But Miss Holland says it's nothing compared with the Dutch apple pie which will be baked after October 1. The new apples aren't quite ripe enough yet for this open-face pie which is perfumed with crisp winesaps. It was thi!
s Dutch apple pie that started t
he restaurant ((Not named, but apparently a chain and well-known--ed.) on its road to a nation-wide fame. Twenty years ago the present owner, with the aid of his wife, kept a little bakery in an Ohio town. (Near the Word Detective?--ed.) The Dutch apple pie won local fame and people came from the ends of the city to buy. Seeing the possibilities for good home-cooked food, the baker opened a restaurant, and the pie was starred on the bill of fare. The crust is filled with diced apples sprinkled with cinnamon. Cream is whipped with sugar and this poured over the fruit. This goes into a slow oven to cook down to a rich, heavenly mess, custardlike in appearance.
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