Maury Paul & Lucius Beebe

Duane Campbell dcamp911 at JUNO.COM
Fri Jul 27 02:52:21 UTC 2001

On Thu, 26 Jul 2001 21:18:15 EDT "James A. Landau" <JJJRLandau at AOL.COM>
> My American Lit professor once described "Lucius Beebe" as "a
> professional
> snob" and claimed that Beebe responded to the publication of "Europe
> on Five
> Dollars a Day" by writing "Europe on One Hundred Dollars a Day".

You must be of my generation. Recently there was a piece on one of the
news channels about Frommer's latest edition, "Europe on 70 Dollars a
Day." I pulled out my two very dog-eared copies of the 5-a-Day book and

Time is catching up with Beebe.


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