in his wheelhouse

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Mon Jun 11 12:42:21 UTC 2001

>Gerald Cohen said:
>>      The point is that if baseball "wheelhouse" had more than minimal
>>currency prior to 1959, that currency would have been reflected in
>>the sports pages of the San Francisco newspapers. And if it appeared
>>there, it would have turned up in Tamony's Collection. And prior to
>>1959 it's not there.
>Which was the first Giants season in San Francisco, 1958 or 1959? Without
>checking, I believe it was 1959, in which case there would have been much
>less coverage of Major League Baseball in San Francisco newspapers prior to
No, it was '58.  I still remember the dies irae when the Dodgers left
Brooklyn for L.A. after the '57 season, after their owner Walter
O'Malley, according to the legend that may even be true, got Horace
Stoneham (owner of the Giants) drunk and convinced him to move the
Giants out to San Francisco to "join" him.  The Dodgers won the World
Series in '59, in their second season out there, but I could(n't)
have cared less.

As to the first point--I believe there was quite a lot of coverage of
minor league (specifically, Pacific Coast League) baseball before
'58, especially in San Francisco, home of the legendary Seals (for
whom DiMaggio played).


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