Lebanese cuisine books (1961, 1966)

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Sun Jun 24 16:58:18 UTC 2001

At 9:24 PM -0400 6/24/01, David M. Robertson wrote:
>Laurence Horn wrote:
>>  true enough, but if it were listed, I'd put it under the usual
>>  English transliteration, "kibbeh", although "kibbi" is not an
>>  uncommon rendering either.  Good stuff.
>Living in a town in the south with a considerable (and old and
>established) Lebanese community, I have seen it transliterated just about
>every way EXCEPT kibbi. I have seen kibby, kibbeh, kibbe and kibbee.
>(Don't think I've seen kibbie.) I haven't worked up the nerve to try the
>raw version, but  "baked kibbeh" is indeed good stuff.
I've only ever seen "kibbeh" as far as I can recall, but the web is
full of "kibbi" too.  Haven't checked the other variants.


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