Carpetbag steak (1938); Bundt cake; Chinese food

James A. Landau JJJRLandau at AOL.COM
Fri Jun 29 13:48:10 UTC 2001

In a message dated 6/28/01 11:10:28 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Bapopik at AOL.COM

>     Not in DARE.
>     Jean Anderson and Mariani both cite 1950 as their earliest.  Anderson (
> 1997) says on page 458: "It's strange to think that fifty years ago there
> were no Bundt cakes because there were no Bundt cake pans."
>     From the NEW YORK HERALD TRIBUNE, 20 May 1938, pg. 20, col. 4:
>     One other purchase was a Bundt, a home-type coffee cake of raised dough
> filled with almonds, cinnamon, sugar and raisins and topped with buttered
> crumbs.  The dough is rolled unusually thin before the filling is spread,
> thus giving the cake many spiraled tracings of spicy fruit and nuts.

Mrs. Simon Kander (Lizzie Black Kander) _The "Settlement" Cook Book, 6th

I do not have a reliable date for the 6th edition of _The "Settlement" Cook
Book_.  The copyright date on the reverse of the title page is 1901, but six
editions in the same year is unlikely.  According to a Web site, URL, the 6th "printing"
was in 1912.  According to, the first edition was reprinted by
Applewood Books; ISBN: 1557094365 but the reprint is currently out of print.

"Bundt Kuchen" occurs twice on page 319 as titles of recipes: "BUNDT KUCHEN,
No. 1" and "BUNDT KUCHEN, No. 2".

"Bundte Schuessel" occurs on page 370 both as a recipe title and in the
following text "By Bundte Schuessel is meant a large flat cake plate on which
is arranged a variety of fancy shaped, decorated cakes.  Use any desired
sponge cake, cup cake or torte, that is not too delicate to handle.  Bake in
small fancy shaped tins or in a sheet"

"Bundt Kuchen" occurs on page 455 in the recipe title "SPICE BUNDT KUCHEN"
and in the following text "Add 1 teaspoon cinnamon to flour, when mixing
parts 1 and 2 of Bundt Kuchen No. 1, page 319, and 1/2 cup raisins when
placing dough in pan, let rise and bake."

"Bundt form" is found on page 319 in the following text (under BUNDT KUCHEN,
No. 2) "Grease Bundt form (a heavy round fluted pan with tube in center)
well, and flour lightly.  Cream, butter and sugar well, add beaten yoloks and
beat, then the raised mixture and the rest of the flour, and lastly the
beaten whites.  Pour in pan, let rise until very light, and bake until well
done and brown in a moderately hot over, about forty-five minutes."

          - Jim Landau

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